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Reclaim Your Magic in 90 Days

Do you know what you want out of life, but feel as though you’re being held back from reaching it by some unseen force?


90 days

There's no "one-size-fits-all" approach to life or biz

100% of the women I work with own businesses and hire me to help them expand and elevate their mindset (and bank account) but what's reeeally holding them back is ignoring their soul work.

We each have our own unique sparkle magic within that we are meant to share with the world and I'm going to help you discover yours.

From Fear to Self-Love: 

Why You Need a Coach to Guide You

Right now, we're at a time of uncomfortable transformation. We must answer the call to make the internal shift out of our headspace and into living a heart-led life of passion & purpose.

When you learn to shift from FEAR into LOVE, you’ll be astonished by how easily everything begins to flow. Getting back in touch with who you really are at a soul level and developing trust in your intuition is a key ingredient for fulfilling your purpose.

All you have to do to live the life of your dreams is to DECIDE. 
Easy right? In theory, yes, but somewhere along the way - you've forgotten your power

The freedom of choice.

I've worked with thousands of women over the last decade from CEOs to stay at home mama's to help them transform their life and business with step-by-step strategy paired with intuitive feminine flow. 

I'll intuitively guide your soul through the next phase of spiritual growth and transformation no matter where you're at on your journey in life or biz.

Whether you're going through a spiritual awakening or trying to birth your business into the world, or stepping into 6-figures and beyond - I am here to guide you to the next level of growth.

I help the healers heal and the leaders lead with love.

After running multiple six-figure businesses, I found myself 75lbs overweight and my work-life balance totally out of whack.

I made the decision to make self-discovery and self-love my priority and today I’m living fully vibrant and my business(es) are flourishing beyond my wildest dreams.

I say this to you because I know what it feels like to be lost in the sea of self-doubt and to-do’s. I was disconnected from my Self and completely confused in the chaos of perfectionism.

Without a solid foundation of self-worth, no success will ever be fully enjoyed because you’ll end up overworked, exhausted, or even worse BURNT OUT.

Struggle with Making Yourself a prority?

Honestly, you can’t afford NOT to make self-care priority.

what magic makers are saying

"I hit my first 10k month in revenue and am on my way to $20k months!"

Whoa..if you’re reading this right now wondering if you should sign up for Brit’s 90-Day Coaching Program, read no further… SIGN UP NOW!

I just recently finished my 90 days and I can whole-heartedly say that I am a changed person since when we first started. I had weekly a-ha moments, no joke. I am pretty sure I accomplished more in 90 days than I did in the past 3 years of running my own freelance design/fashion business.

With her help and advice, we created passive income and I hit my first 10k month in revenue and am on my way to $20k months! I have 10x my subscription service members…and the momentum isn’t stopping. If anything Brit helped set me up for long term success. I love that I am able to keep growing and moving forward with her tips and tricks even past our time together.

Her and her hubby are some of my favorite humans on this planet; they care, they inspire, they drive you, they clap for you, they have the best advice, and they just rock!! I will be a lifetime member of The Elevated Life (after my free year subscription runs out from the coaching package) and a lifetime fan of Brit Carmichael.



“She’s not just business, she’s - everything - She’s a mind, body, and soul coach that sprinkles fairy dust all over your life!”

Working with Britt is the best thing I could have ever done for myself and for my business. I originally signed up for Britt's Mastermind thinking that she would help get my booty in gear for the business I had talked about creating for years. Well, not only did she help me with my business, she helped me with SO much more.

If you're on the fence about working with Britt and asking yourself if it is worth the investment, the answer is it totally is worth it, 100%! I wouldn't be where I am today without Britt's guidance, constant encouragement, and coaching. I am the happiest I have ever been in my adult life and now have a thriving business all because of Britt.

Britt helps you to realize you had the power to do it all along, something I would have never thought possible even 1 year ago. Don't wait, invest in yourself!

Jessie Wagner
Makeup Artist


“I’m the most successful I ever have been in my career, and I’m building my dream life in every way!”

Opening my own business has forced me to also open myself and I knew Brit was the perfect coach for me. When I look back now at who I was when I first started her 90 day program, I was lost, scared, confused, timid, and had zero confidence. Brit helped me peel back all the bullshit lies I tell myself, and she also gave me so much clarity not just in business but in my personal spiritual growth. She challenged me to think outside the box, and to let go of the limiting barriers I was holding onto. Because of Brit’s guidance, I started a new side business that aligns with my soul and dream life schedule. I’ve been doing hair for 10 years now, and for once in my life I realized I am so much more than just a hairstylist. I don’t think I ever would have played around with other passion ideas outside of the hair industry if it wasn’t for Brit’s guidance. I also learned how to open myself up and step into my power. I am beyond grateful for all that Brit taught me and helped me gain clarity on. I’m not the same Jade I was 90 days ago, I feel more solid in myself and more confident in myself. Brit taught me how to trust my intuition and how to use my intuition as a business owner. She taught me how to organize all my ideas and goals into a real life action plan that is step by step. I feel more balanced than I ever have in my life. I was a critical over thinker who was so hard on herself if she wasn’t perfect. If your thinking “I need her as my coach” but your not sure about it.. I understand...but trust yourself and the universe. I didn’t have the money to hire a coach, but when Brit came into my journey, the universe brought the funds my way. I didn’t want someone who only focused on business or marketing or personal growth. I wanted someone who would focus on all those areas, and help me bring them all together in a healthy flow. Thank you so much Brit, for everything, I would not be where I am now without your love + guidance!



“Holy shit! I’ve just had the BIGGEST revelation about my business after our last coaching call.”

I was always waiting for someone to step in and rescue me. Every coach I worked with wanted to put me in a box or project themselves on me.

I have to say Brittney, you are truly a miracle worker. You created this container in which my soul felt safe enough to be seen. And all this pain I’ve swept under the rug came up for me to finally face. All of these hints at what was hidden underneath the pain finally makes sense. It’s all clear. I feel like my healing journey just quantum leaped centuries! I’ve never felt more purposeful and sure of what my mission is.

Thank you for being the coach I so desperately needed!

The Unmasked Wytch


"Thank you for being the coach I so desperately needed."

I was feeling really everything I most desired was out of reach for me.
To be honest, I felt ugly and was searching externally for anything that would give me some kind of feeling of beauty and LIGHTNESS within. I was barely working as I didn’t feel like I was living my message. I knew inside that there was a deeper purpose for my gifts, waiting to be uncovered. And I felt utterly stuck living in a city that I didn’t like. It was time to get help.

I knew the second I saw Brit, that she would change my life.
I took the leap and signed up to work with her the same day we connected on the phone.
Not even SIX MONTHS later, I barely recognize the life I've manifested including a move to a new city I LOVE.
I am experiencing more prosperity than ever before. My health has improved in big ways and my work has transformed! But the most impactful shift happened on the inside.

The way I see the world is different.
The way I see my story is different.
The way I see myself is different.

I see beauty all around well as when I look in the mirror. I’ve organically lost a dress size, no dieting!
Yesterday I faced some HUGE fears + anxiety by getting on a plane alone to travel to Texas and meet the goddess who has walked with me throughout this transformational journey.
Sitting across from Brittney and her Hubby Chris was the culmination of so much hard work, healing and transformation. They welcomed me into their world with so much love!
Being with people who inspire me, that live with such truth and authenticity blows my mind!
I feel so ready to step into this next phase in my life. Anything is possible and for the first time I truly believe that where I most want to be is possible for me. I’m halfway there already!

STACEY fruits


“Thank you for teaching me how to look inside myself to find everything I need. I am a manifesting machine.”

My entire world changed when we started working together on trusting my intuition and not being afraid of my own power. I was “stuck” when we started working together. I was only making 55k a year and *I* didn’t exist. I was buried under my caretaking for others. Only a few years later. -healthy Six Figure income✅ -over six figures in the bank 💰 -no debt 💳 -Two Houses 🏠🏠 -Retirement is ready -Men fawn over me ❤️ -A tribe that loves me 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 -Anxiety washed away 🤷‍♀️ She believed that she could, and she did. Thank you Brit!

I wasn’t sure what to expect from the Coaching Program but my instincts said, “You need this!” Of course, intuition is always right!! Brittney did a great job of leading, inspiring, and encouraging me to define and reach my goals, and celebrating my progress along the way. It led to some pretty big changes in my life that, while still in progress, are leading me down a truer path.

Bryson Grahm


One-on-one accountability creates a sacred space for incredible transformations and massive leaps forward towards turning your dreams into reality.

I've coached thousands of women seeking guidance in every area of life — how to build and scale your dream career, learning to love yourself, holistic wellness, spiritual and psychic development, and even how to become a 6-figure hairstylist.

When working together, you will experience my unique method of combining intuitive awareness & compassionate honesty with spiritual truths and techniques so you can break free of the fear that stops you from creating a life  and biz filled with Passion, Purpose, & Profit!

You’ll be guided to achieve radical self-love, complete confidence and clarity, peace of mind, and a clear path to take with a business that taps into your talents and aligns with your authentic self. I'll guide you through my proven 6-step process for manifesting dreams into reality.

magical experience

Working with a Mentor is a 


90 Day Coaching Intensive


No more second guessing yourself. No bullshit. Just you and me getting down to what your soul came here to create. Make an impact and income!

Here's What You'll Get:

Welcome Workbook

Specifically crafted to help you get clarity on what you want to accomplish in the next 90 days and beyond – so that our time together is clear + focused on getting you the results you desire.

SIX (6) 1-hour Sessions & One (1) 90 min Deep Dive Discovery

Over the course of 90-days, we’ll get to know each other on an intimate level and explore your strengths, talents, blocks, and fears that hold you back from making a difference and making bank in your biz.

Post-session Soul Work

After each session you'll receive Session Notes that will help you to implement the changes and hold you accountable to your commitments.

Feel free to shoot me questions, ideas, or anything else you need support with during our time together.

Tarot Reading Or Guided Meditation

In magical fashion we will end each coaching call with a tarot reading or guided meditation to provide clarity and insight for your next steps.

Astrology Deep Dive And Analysis

Gain insight on your soul's unique purpose and personality traits to support your business based on your unique blueprint.

Surprise Goodies

Who doesn't love surprises? You’ll receive surprise goodies to enhance your experience and inspire you to reach your goals and stay committed to your dreams.

The Elevated Life Club

1-year Access to

(A $990 Value!)

PLUS over $2,000 in magical bonuses

Shine School

lifetime Access To

(A $497 Value!)


lifetime access to

(A $333 Value!)

private voxer channel for constant support



magic makers say

Brittney helped me more in 90 days than 10 years of therapy.

-Carrie g

Before I started working with Britt, I did not realize all the battles I was fighting in ALL areas of my life. I was struggling to start a business, my marriage was barely hanging on by a thread, I took care of everybody BUT ME and I placed enough unrealistic expectations on myself for 25 people. I was exhausted!!!

Brittney helped me find myself, break old beliefs I was carrying with me, create a self-care ritual, learn to set realistic goals for myself.  BUT most importantly, I LOVE MYSELF and that is something I have never had before. 

01 OF 08

There are so many amazing things I learned while working with Brittney!!!


Personally she has changed my life for the better and inspired me to follow my heart and my inner woo woo goddess.

Business wise she has helped me to learn to delegate responsibilities that don’t serve me and basically helped me realize I don’t have to change who I am to be successful, but accept and love myself fully which has helped me to thrive as a salon owner and new mom!!! In addition to her 90 Day Coaching I also joined her very first Goddess Retreat and it CHANGED MY LIFE!

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Brittney truly kickstarted a huge change in my life.

I knew I needed to do things differently after my husband unexpectedly died to have a joyful life. The Goddess Retreat opened me up & helped me to give myself permission to live for me without guilt.

I joined the mastermind to help me stay accountable for implementing things that I learned at retreat. It gave me a community that helped inspire & support my dreams in a way no one ever had. I have better self-love boundaries & a better quality of life mentally & physically!! I am so grateful to Brittney for helping my on this journey of manifesting my dream house & starting up my business which once seemed impossible.❤️

- alanna banks

03 of 08

I found I have a hard time keeping myself motivated on different things in my life

Every time I say goodbye to Brittney I feel like she’s helped me open something inside myself. Brittney is an amazingly wonderful person. I would recommend her coaching to anyone and everyone. She is such a unique and colorful spirit to be around.

- Kelly Shores

04 of 08

Brittney is always full of great ideas and helps me to think of new things to implement in my life.

I’m not one for goal setting, but she’s made me more aware that if I want to be successful in certain areas that clarity of my goal is important. I always leave with my cup full. I would for sure recommend any services from her. Whether it’s making you more beautiful on the outside or inside, she’s a true gem.

- Mel Goode

05 of 08

Working with Brit was an answer to a prayer I did not even know I had. 

She has been a wealth of resources/support through this journey and I can’t thank her enough. Brit helped to reintroduce me back to myself, and now I go about each day standing in my true self, allowing whatever needs to happen will. Her personality, humor, and overall sense of self will make you feel comfortable throughout the 90 days. And once you allow yourself to open up in the sessions, that is when the real magic begins.

- Danielle Klemm

06 of 08

From the first moment we met, Brit has inspired me to be a better person.

I can’t say enough about how grateful and blessed I feel to have Brittney Carmichael in my life. She has lovingly pointed out when I needed a mindset change (like constantly worrying about what I can’t control) and reaffirmed me when I was doubting myself. After visiting with Brittney, I always walk away feeling energized, focused and excited about life. She is truly one of a kind with a gift of sharing her spirituality and light.

- Wendy Barron

07 of 08

Meeting Brittney has changed everything! I am now able to open my mouth and vocalize everything! 

I talk to my guides and angels every day, I stand up for myself when things need to be said, and my business is growing so quickly I can hardly keep up! My family is happier than we’ve ever been, and it is all thanks to Brit! Thank you for what you did for me and thank you for what you’re doing for women everywhere!

- Kasie McElhaney

08 OF 08

Not Sure If Coaching Is Right for You?


If you’ve said or thought any of these statements in the last month, then you know what to do:

Let’s say you complete this self-empowerment coaching program and you have the tools you need to succeed. What then? Can you actually handle the success that you manifest? Or will you end up right back at square one?
Girrrrl, that’s the fear talking. And that’s the whole point of this coaching program. I’m going to help you clear out your fears so you can make space for more of the good stuff. 

"Is this really all there is to life?"

"I spend so much time helping others that I forget to take care of myself." 

"I pretend that I’m alright, but I’m really not."

"My mind just won’t stop racing. I can’t focus, I can’t sleep, I can’t even enjoy those rare quiet moments I get to myself anymore."

"I’m fucking exhausted." 

"I’m fucking exhausted." 

"I’m so burned out." 

"I’m stressed beyond belief." 

"I’m scared that if I try to do X, I’m going to fail. What if it doesn’t work?" 

"I can’t live like this anymore. " 

Get off the fence

and on a

discovery call

Kickstart Your Confidence

If you’re nervous about making the leap into my intensive coaching program, don’t sweat it. We can start with a tarot reading or VIP Day! 

With the use of tarot cards, combined with my woo-woo vibes, I’ll intuitively receive guidance in any area of life you want to focus on — including your soul’s purpose, life lessons, or even current obstacles that are blocking you from “leveling up”.

Intuitive Tarot Reading

This 1-hour empowerment session will bring much-needed clarity to your life or business and empower you with the confidence and practical steps you need to move forward.

1-hour coaching

01 OF 03

This VIP coaching experience is a one day jam sesh designed to help you radically transform your confidence and rapidly gain clarity in your biz. 

VIP Coaching Day

We'll dive into soul healing and business strategy so you can kickstart your manifesting powers and walk away with a solid game plan for success.

 In person or virtual

This is for the go getter boss babe who is ready to get UNSTUCK fast! 💫

02 OF 03

This mastermind is a safe-haven for women to come together and turn their desires into reality with the power of high-vibin' magic makers. 

Manifest Your Dreams mastermind

We'll hold you accountable for taking the action required to manifest your dreams and create the life and business you were made for. Calling all boss babes!

join the girl gang

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