“Letting go helps us to live in a more peaceful state of mind and helps restore our balance. It allows others to be responsible for themselves and for us to take our hands off situations that do not belong to us. This frees us from unnecessary stress.” -Melody Beattie

Happy Full Moon in Libra!

This full moon lunar eclipse in the sign of Libra represents the BALANCE of giving and receiving at its finest within our mind, body, and spirit.

You’ve been invited to tap into your intuition, connect with your feminine side, and to release everything holding you back from stepping into a new version of yourself. A chapter is closing and you’re being guided to let go of a belief, relationship, job that no longer serves your highest good.

Holistic health is an essential step in your spiritual awakening process.

This topic is SOOO important and exactly why I teach an entire module of how to achieve harmony and well-being inside my self-discovery course, Shine School.

Under this beautiful full moon you will be able to unlock and let go of all that is holding you back from knowing who you truly are and trusting your inner wisdom.

This is a powerful eclipse moon during a time where the fabric of our reality and society is changing rapidly.

You know EXACTLY what to do now.

You can expect emotions on the rise to be released and forgiven. Trust the process and release what no longer holds Truth in your life. This includes evaluating friendships that you’ve outgrown or are out of balance.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help or seek external support from a friend, mentor, healer, or you can even treat yourself to a massage. You are being called back to a place of peace and centeredness where you can calmly connect with the deep wisdom within you. 

Where do you need balance in your life?

Libra asks that you balance the scales of your own life to create a better sense of peace and harmony.

Release yourself from negative situations, let go of heavy emotions, purge the past pain, and forgive yourself or others if necessary. 

If one of your energy centers is blocked, it can throw the whole system off. 

Notice if you have any tension in your body or even in your thoughts.

Whatever is coming up for you this Full Moon…LET IT GO. 

Take time to reflect on your life and what steps you need to take to move towards your ideal lifestyle.


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