“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” -Harriet Tubman

Happy New Moon in Scorpio!

This New Moon is going to feel like a doozy.

As we move into the long, dark days of winter, the effects of no light being reflected on this New Moon is going to invite you to take an even deeper look into your inner darkness. 

Now is a time to take rest and remove yourself from any negative situations. Anger is on the rise to be released from the depths of our emotional pains so we can clear the air.

New Moon’s are a great tool for manifesting. The energies of this new moon are so intense, therefore, your wishes will be even more powerful at this time.

Clearly decide what dreams you want to go after and how they can positively benefit all who are involved. DREAM BIG!

Try this powerful New Moon Manifesting Ritual to create space to turn your dreams into reality!

Because I know this manifesting stuff works, I’ve decided to share my magic making skills with you in my upcoming Manifest Your Dreams Mastermind so you can learn the secrets of creating ANYTHING you want in life.

Masterminds are a powerful place to make deep connections with other soul-sisters, help to unlock your creativity, and hold you accountable for taking action towards turning your dreams into reality.

The truth is, we ALL have BIG dreams in our heart and MOST people will never fully allow themselves to step into that vision with full confidence and fearlessness. 

No more playing small. 

No more hiding in the shadows. 

No more fearing what others will think of you.

No more procrastinating because of perfectionism.

Replace your fear with faith that you are meant to have the love and abundance you deserve. 

This is your time to SHINE and I’m ready to help you rise up to the next level of creative expression, spiritual growth, and influence in the world.

Due to a scheduling conflict, I’ve pushed back the start date to November 29th so now you have one more week to enroll 

Because so many people have reached out and asked for a payment planI’ve created one just for you. 🙂

Comment below and let me know what you’re intending to manifest on this powerful New Moon! 


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