“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” -Buddha

New Moon in Pisces 2025 Horoscope ♓

Tune into the intuitive and dreamy vibes that Pisces has to offer. As the last sign in the astrological year, we’re collectively starting to wrap things up and prepare for the next chapter in life’s story. But this time, you hold the pen. 

Whether you’ve got old emotions flowing up to be released or you feel a little scattered. Remember that all things happen for a reason and in perfect timing. Ask yourself – what has expired in my life and fully surrender.

Can you feel the magical energy building? The Pisces New Moon is calling us home to our deepest truths, and honey, this one is extra special!

As we dance into the final lunar cycle of this astrological year, we’re also stepping through a cosmic portal into Eclipse Season plus Mercury and Venus retrograde. Talk about divine timing!

Listen closely, beautiful – your soul has been preparing for this moment. Those feelings you’ve been carrying? Those whispers from your heart? They’re all coming to the surface now, asking to be seen, held, and transformed.

💫 The Cosmic Landscape:

• Mercury retrograde in Aquarius (until March 10th) is asking us to reassess our visions, dreams, and the ways we communicate our truth
• Venus retrograde in Pisces (until April 3rd) invites us to explore our deepest values, relationships, and what we truly desire
• Jupiter in Gemini is amplifying messages and insights during this period

Try to create more balance and harmony.

You’re finally coming into a place of wholeness where you feel like you can begin a new adventure with a fresh perspective.

New Moons symbolize the perfect time to set new intentions so begin to think about how you want to feel as you move through this next chapter of your life. What emotions and energies would you like to create more of? 

Pisces offers healing energy to help us cleanse away anger and allow acceptance and forgiveness to set in.

The New Moon at 9 degrees Pisces speaks to mastery and success, but with both Mercury and Venus retrograde, this success comes through inner reflection rather than external action. It’s time to pause, reflect, and realign.

Here’s what your soul needs to know:

💫 Your emotions might feel extra heightened (thank you, sensitive Pisces energy!). Don’t resist them, love. These feelings are your guidance system. Past relationships or unresolved emotional patterns resurfacing for healing

💫 Jupiter is amplifying everything, especially in the communication realm. Watch for important messages and trust that inner knowing of yours. A strong urge to revisit and revise your goals and aspirations

💫 You’re completing a major chapter of your soul story. What’s ready to be released with love?

💫 Heightened intuition and psychic awareness and deep revelations about your path and purpose

See your life from a bigger perspective and understand these “traumas” needed to happen to help you spiritually grow. No need to keep punishing yourself by picking at old wounds.

Heal your hatred with love.

Honor yourself for all that you have endured and celebrate the fact that you’re here today STRONGER than ever.

Sweet soul, this is your moment to shine! Remember – you were born for these times. Those unique gifts of yours? They’re needed now more than ever.

Take a moment to honor yourself. What makes your heart sing? What talents have you been hiding from the world? It’s time to let that light of yours radiate!

From now until late April, we’re in a portal of profound transformation. I know change can feel scary, but you’ve got this, goddess! The universe is conspiring in your favor.

Ready to harness this potent moon magic? Here’s your soul homework:

  1. Write down what you’re calling in for this next chapter.
  2. What stories, relationships, or patterns are you ready to release? Release what’s expired with grace and gratitude.
  3. Honor your unique magic and abilities.
  4. Trust those intuitive hits – Pisces energy is making your third eye extra sparkly! Use this time to dream and plan, saving major launches for after April.

You are meant to be here. 

Close up this chapter in life and embrace the lesson of wisdom it taught you. 

Get ready for what’s to come by planting seeds of desire into your mind and heart.

Remember: This period isn’t about forcing outcomes. It’s about allowing yourself to be guided by your inner wisdom. The retrogrades are helping us clear old energy before Eclipse Season catalyzes major transformation.

From now until late April, we’re in a powerful portal of change. Use this New Moon to:
• Journal about what you’re ready to release
• Meditate on your authentic path
• Review and revise your goals
• Honor your natural gifts and talents
• Create space for new beginnings

This is a time for deep listening rather than rushed action. Let the retrograde energies support your inner work, knowing that clarity will emerge as we move through Eclipse Season. xo

If you’re ready to put your manifesting skills to the test, then I invite you to take a peek at today’s blog where I’ll teach you how to perform a New Moon Manifesting Ritual.

Comment below and let me know what you’re intending to manifest on this powerful New Moon!

Affirmations for your Zodiac:

  • ARIES: I allow myself to surrender control of situations that no longer serve me to make room for my passions.
  • TAURUS: I connect to a community of love and support.
  • GEMINI: I accept my destiny and trust the next steps unfolding.
  • CANCER: I give myself permission to explore my inner self and try new things.
  • LEO: I am a successful leader because I allow both my light and dark to be seen.
  • VIRGO: I accept intimacy from others and myself even when it’s uncomfortable.
  • LIBRA: I am focused, balanced, and make healthy choices in all things I do.
  • SCORPIO: I am creative and give myself permission to have fun and play.
  • SAGITTARIUS: I am comfortable, supported, and allow unlimited abundance.
  • CAPRICORN: I am open to make new connections and friendships that support my highest good.
  • AQUARIUS: I am strong in my integrity and believe I can achieve anything I set my heart and soul to.
  • PISCES: I allow natural skills and talents to attract magical new opportunities that align with my highest good.


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