“Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.” -Carol Burnett
Happy New Moon in Taurus 
This sensual bull invites us to go back to basics, ground yourself, and have fun.
This New Moon in Taurus feels like we’re being called to turn inward to do some inner soul searching and restructuring so we can set aligned intentions during this period of rapid manifestation.
You are being asked to review your daily routines and habits.
Recommit to the habits that bring you more love, joy, peace, and balance and eliminate ones that no longer support your growth.
If you struggle with setting up healthy habits and need help sticking to your routines then I invite you to join us in The Elevated Life® Club to watch the Routines and Rituals Masterclass.
This moon has you questioning old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for new creative ways to evolve.
You’re being asked to accept the change and creatively come up with solutions to help you deal with the uncertainty. Make room for more play and fun.
It’s time to simplify!
Release and purge what no longer serves a purpose in your life to make room for the new you desire.
Physically AND emotionally.
Throw out products with harsh chemicals and replace them with more eco-friendly alternatives. Grow some herbs. Plant a tree. Get grounded in nature.
Taurus is the first of the earth signs which grounds us in security, health, money, and family.
Eliminate excess spending and get your finances in check. This New Moon is the perfect time to tune into your intentions behind the kind of work you’re engaging in.
With Jupiter conjuncting Uranus near the New Moon in Taurus AND Venus in Taurus you can expect quick manifestations on all intentions rooted in love and pleasure.
Are you following your soul’s calling to create something you’re passionate about? This is your life and you get to decide how you want to experience it. There is no “perfect path”.
Change is the only constant in life and true security begins within.
New moons invite us to turn our awareness inward and set a new intention for what you want to create over the next cycle. Give yourself a fresh new start.
If you’re ready to put your manifesting skills to the test, then I invite you to learn How to perform a New Moon Manifesting Ritual.
This will help you to plant the seed of desire in your heart and ignite your imagination to start manifesting some magic.
Comment below and let me know what you’re intending to manifest on this powerful New Moon!
Join Us At Our Upcoming Goddess Gathering In Frisco, Tx 
Full moons are a time for gathering with your girlfriends to create a sacred space for connection and release. Join me for an empowering evening for a Full Moon Release Ritual and Sound Bath Meditation in Frisco, Texas.
Full Moon Ritual
Sound Bath Meditation
Shop Local Vendors
Heirloom Haul @ The Star in Frisco, Tx
Thursday, May 23rd @ 6-9 pm
I’ll lead you through a simple yet powerful experience where you are invited to release the stress, worries, limiting beliefs, or anything else that’s energetically holding you back from confidently pursuing your purpose.
You will make deep and lasting connections with like-minded soul sisters and walk away feeling lighter and inspired to follow your dreams!
You’ll also have the chance to shop local vendors and meet other badass babes in business. DM if you’d like to showcase your service or product.

manifesting getting my mojo back. getting more women into working with drumming as a meditation,using in ritual and to set intentions.