“Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.” – Steve Maraboli

Happy Full Moon in Capricorn! 🌕
Capricorn energy teaches us the power of structure and setting long-term goals. Your rebirth awaits.
The sign of Capricorn embodies someone who is hardworking, determined, and fearless.
This Full Moon in Capricorn invites us to face our fears, and accept the life lessons you’re currently being taught.
This energy is going to be intense so take time to rest after a big release. You’re being stretched beyond your own comfort zone to expand past your current limiting thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.
You must find the courage to face your fears and trust in the unfolding of your journey.
You are stronger than you realize.
Look back over the last 6 months and see what you’ve experienced and accomplished so far.
(Check out our podcast episode on How to Do a 6 Month Goal Review for some extra motivation.)
What were your big dreams at the beginning of the year?
Are you taking action towards those goals?
Are you celebrating each step along the way?
There is no perfect path to enlightenment so follow your heart every step of the way and one day you’ll look back on your life’s masterpiece.
Be patient during this process of release and try this Full Moon Release Ritual to help you let go of what no longer positively serves you to make room for what you REALLY want!
Keep your heart open during this sensitive time.
Ease your anxiety around your “control issues” and trust that SOUL-utions will arise while you’re in a relaxed state of mind.
This month might be a good time to up your meditation game so you can practice getting into the space of calm, peaceful stillness.
Try this FREE Release Meditation to help you LET GO!

Slow and steady around this full moon. Take one thing at a time and be sure to make time for rest.
Give yourself permission to look at things from a new perspective.
Check in with your motivations and see what is currently driving you.
Make way for new possibilities and let go of anything that feels inauthentic to you.
Have the courage to look at what is coming up to the surface to be released at this time.
Detox all areas of your life and allow the purge to begin. (Need help letting go? Download my free Detox and Declutter guidebook to help you navigate the process.)
Learn the lesson of love that life is trying to teach you and trust you are exactly where you’re supposed to be. xo