“One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals.” Michael Korda

Woah, where has the year gone?! We can’t believe that we’re halfway through already. However, what we do know is that now is the perfect time for a 6 month review.

As we find ourselves slam bang in the middle of the year, it’s the perfect time to check your goals.

What goals did you set yourself at the start of the year? Have you exceeded them and made more? Or do they need switching up? 

Goals are movable and flexible so as long as you are moving in the right direction, know that they aren’t set in stone. We love a review so join us as we discuss how we do our reviews and why we love goal setting. If you need a mid-year boost, we’ve got you!

In this episode, we chat all about how to review your 6 month goals, find out what worked and what didn’t and how to set new goals for the next 6 months.

Tune in to hear:

✨ How we review our goals and the steps we take to achieve them

✨ Why it’s ok if things haven’t gone to plan

✨ How you can switch up your goals to suit the current situation

✨ Why brain dumping is a great way to achieve your goals

✨ How to map out what you want to achieve and how to actually do it

5 Steps to a 6 Month Goal Review

Step 01. Review your Progress

It’s time to look back at the goals that you set at the beginning of the year. Did you commit to them? Have you achieved them? It’s ok if you didn’t or you’re still procrastinating. Life changes fast so your goals can too.

Step 02. Eliminate What’s Not Working

Cut back on what’s not worth your energy and time. Be ok with letting go and releasing the things that just aren’t working towards the bigger picture. Focus your time and energy on what is working and that feels good.

Step 03. Celebrate What’s Working

Take the time to celebrate the small wins and progress that you have made. It’ll give you momentum towards your goals and make you realize the progress that you are making, even if it was unexpected. Remember to celebrate yourself and the people in life too.

Step 04. Brain Dump all of your Ideas

It’s so important to set goals, so take the time to get them out of your head and down onto paper. You are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down as well as unburdening your mind. When the flow stops, sit with it and wait, know that more will come.

Step 05. Map it Out

Set a new goal and create a new plan. Times have changed and there are always new things coming out. Focus on one project at a time by listing your top 3 goals and then writing underneath each, the next 5 steps to get you there. Get creative with this!

Highlights from this episode:

1:50 Why reviewing goals and self evaluation can be hard to do but necessary

3:05 Looking at what you achieve and working out whether it’s a hell yes or a hell no

4:05 Why feeling frustrated with your daily routine can be a sign that you need change

5:05 How we can learn a lot about house plants including their needs and desires to grow

6:05 Reviewing your progress and the goals that you set at the beginning of the year

6:55 How to eliminate what’s not working and to get rid of the things that you’ve grown out of or isn’t your current focus

8:10 Celebrating what is working and why we should always celebrate small wins

8:35 Why it’s also important to celebrate yourself and the people around you

10:28 Brain dumping your ideas and how this can be great for goal setting and unburdening your mind

10:52 “You are 42% more likely to achieve the goals when you write them down.”

12:10 Why it’s important to keep going when brain dumping ideas, even when your brain goes quiet

13:04 How to map out your goals and set clear goals for yourself going forward

14:17 Goal setting only works if you set deadlines and schedule it into your diary

15:48 How your brain engages when you write down your goals and how getting creative can help the flow

16:23 Accessing the reservoir of information and knowledge in our heads

17:46 Being patience with the process and how important it is to schedule it in

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We’re all gifted with the same 24 hours in a day. The difference in productivity is how we spend it.

The actions we take each day decide if we move toward our dreams and desires or just fall flat.

Right now the world is changing, and even in the chaos, there’s opportunity.

Many of us are now working from home.

Many of us have businesses we want to get off the ground or take to the next level.

But that’s going to take us recommitting to our goals, managing our energy, and developing relentless focus.

Productivity is not about making your todo list longer or working more hours, it’s about becoming radically effective at the things that make a difference and removing the distractions and time-wasters.

We know what you’re capable of when you’re performing at your best.

That’s why we’re so excited to teach you our strategies for reclaiming your time and achieving your goals faster in the Secrets of Productivity masterclass. 🎉

Inside this masterclass you’ll learn:

⏰ How to focus on what REALLY matters

⏰ Our 5 step method to STOP procrastinating

⏰The science-backed rules we use in our own personal productivity playbook

⏰The #1 reason people don’t get as much done and how to fix it

⏰Plus three guided meditations to integrate all the training

Ready to ELEVATE your life to the next level?

You can access the training by joining The Elevated Life® membership club for live monthly masterclasses, group coaching, yoga/meditation practice, and accountability from other like-minded souls on a mission to ELEVATE every area of life.


  1. Raquel says:

    I loved hearing this podcast, i need a plan. Yet I’m looking for help and can’t put my finger on it. I reached all my goals I moved got a that new apartment, got a new car, even got that promotion at work.. unfortunately, I feel I might have overwhelmed myself. Is this part of the upleveling? The apartment is to big for just me and it’s more than I expected to pay. My new car might had made my financial situation more difficult. I’m I self sabotaging right now or did I make a mistake during my manifestation towards my goals. I’m trying to look at it as there will be an answer around the corner and trust the process since I did achieve them. So why does it feel like something went wrong!!? How do i prevent this from happening again or is it pose to happen?? Can you feel lost when your up leveling?

    • Thank you so much for sharing your story with me babe. Yes you have to be careful will taking on “too much” and making sure what you’re calling in fit within your lifestyle framework. It’s like the idea of getting a credit card to buy a bunch of stuff and calling it “manifesting” however the bills are real. You’ve shown yourself you can make “anything happen” now it sounds like it’s time to get clear on what you really want and what flows with ease in your life.


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