“I want every day to be a fresh start on expanding what is possible.” ― Oprah Winfrey

🌙 Happy New Moon in Leo🌙

The New Moon in Leo is calling us to slow down and step into our authentic self and express our heart’s Truth with a new fresh perspective.

In order to connect with our soul, we must allow unexpressed truth and emotions out of our energetic system to create space for more joy, love, peace, and abundance.

With Mercury in Retrograde can you notice what old wounds are coming to the surface?

You are your own medicine.

Take time to do the grief work, but make sure you’re balancing it with heavy doses of soulful self-care

In order to call in something new in our lives, we must create the space for it.

While creating space and releasing the old we can feel a sense of loss, grief, or instability. 

Be patient while your next chapter of life is brewing and trust the callings of your soul. Every step of the way will show itself once you decide your direction.

You may be at a point where the Universe has stepped in to help you with these changes.

You have been elevated.

Notice that these nudges are helping to align you with that which you’re asking for.

It may not look like it in the moment (hindsight is 20/20, right?) buuuut if you maintain an attitude of faith and trust that you’re exactly where you need to be in the exact right time, you’ll be surprised at how quickly things begin to flow for you.


Now is a time to connect with your soul’s voice…

What is she saying? 

Take time to journal your fears, dreams, worries, ideas, lessons learned, forgiveness work, and anything else you feel compelled to pour onto paper.

Get it out of your system so you can plant your seeds with pure intention.

Now is a time where you’re receiving insight and illumination and having realizations and epiphanies about where you’ve been and where you’re going.

This rebirth is demanding patience. 

Surrender to your soul. Tame your ego. Let it all unfold. 

If you gave yourself permission to make a BOLD move, what would your next step be?

Take it.

You are here to SHINE!

This month is shaking up our confidence on a deep internal level so if you’ve been struggling with self-love, I invite you to join me on a 6 week journey of self-discovery inside Shine School.

If you’re ready to put your manifesting skills to the test, then I invite you to learn How to perform a New Moon Manifesting Ritual.

This will help you to plant the seed of desire in your heart and ignite your imagination to start manifesting some magic.

Comment below and let me know what magic you’re intending to manifest on this powerful New Moon!


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