“It’s not what you are that holds you back, it’s what you think you are not.  – Denis Waitley

Do you ever feel like a fraud? That’s a sign of imposter syndrome.

Sometimes we can feel like our dreams are meant for someone else. When things are going well, we can find ourselves looking at our incredible partner or our blossoming career and wonder “Am I worthy of this life?”

When you’re feeling like an imposter, it’s probably because you’re experiencing an up-leveling or growth period in your life. Imposter syndrome is most common among the highest achievers in our society, so if you’ve been experiencing it, you’re in good company.

In this episode of The Elevated Life®, we’re sharing 3 tips to help you see your true worth and overcome imposter syndrome.

In this video we talk about:

💫 The importance of separating yourself from your thoughts

💫 How to avoid letting imposter syndrome keep you from showing up as your authentic self

💫 How we overcame the awkwardness of showing up live on video

💫 Why it’s important to remember that your gifts and talents are so much bigger than just you

1. Awareness

In order to overcome imposter syndrome, you need to become aware of your inner dialogue. Often in life, we feel that we are our thoughts. By becoming aware of the things we’re saying to ourselves, we can put space between actual reality and the made up world in our mind.

Imposter syndrome creeps in most often when we are going through a change, so the negative thoughts in your head might just be resistance to all the transformation.

Stay true to your authentic self, and those negative thoughts will fall away.

2. Keep a list of your accomplishments

It’s easy to focus on a tiny negative thing until it turns into a shadow that blocks out all of your shining accomplishments. That’s why we encourage you to make a list of all of the things you’ve done that you are so fucking proud of.

Reflect on the way you’ve shown up and how you’ve made a difference in this world.

In the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey, when I was feeling down, I’d go read the reviews of my hair salon. It was such a helpful reminder and an instant boost of positivity!

3. Focus on the value you give

Imposter syndrome really boils down to the fear of rejection, and that’s why it shows up when you are offering your gifts or services to the world.

When you focus on the people that you serve, you’ll realize that your dreams are so much bigger than just you.

When we first started showing up live on video, it felt really strange. The more we focused on the people we were reaching and the impact we were having on their lives, the easier it became to show up.

Tune in and let us know in the comments below which tips you’re going to put into practice.

Click here to listen!

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