“Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.” — Guy Finley

🌙 Happy New Moon in Sagittarius 🌙
This New Moon in Sagittarius brings a potent fresh perspective, progress, and patience paid off!
So, let’s dive into the magic of this celestial event! The Sagittarius New Moon is extra special because it falls on the twelfth day of the twelfth month, marking the end of the year with a powerful cosmic bang. And guess what? Mercury retrograde is also joining the party, making it even more potent.
As we bid farewell to 2023, this New Moon gives us a chance to set our final intentions for the year. I know life can get crazy busy during the holiday season, but let’s take a moment to reflect on how we want the next three weeks to unfold. What areas of our lives do we want to focus on? Let’s channel our intentions into these remaining weeks and infuse them with empowering words that support us through any challenges that may arise.
Now, here’s the exciting part: healing vibes will be flowing abundantly during this New Moon. Chiron, the asteroid of healing, is teaming up with the Moon and Mars to help us address deep-seated issues and take proactive steps towards self-care and growth. It’s time to tackle those lingering problems and embark on a journey of transformation for our mind, body, and soul.
This last year has activated your awareness and you’re beginning to view your life from a higher perspective. Now we’re sliding out of the transformative Scorpio season and into the fresh vibes of Sag paired with Mercury Retrograde on the powerful portal of 12/12. Hello cosmos we hear your loud and clear.
After last month’s inward journey of reflection, you can now see how all the life lessons fit together like a puzzle piece to create the awesomeness that is YOU! Your next adventure awaits!
Be proud of your spiritual growth and how far you’ve come.
Forgive yourself for what you have or haven’t done and celebrate yourself for all the strength and power you have cultivated!

Free yourself from that which holds you back and remember it’s never too late to make a shift.
Sagittarius is the adventurous, jet-setting, truth-teller of the zodiac and during this holiday season, you might find yourself in more social situations.
Enjoy the uplifting energy of this New Moon and find peace in the clarity that you’re exactly where you need to be to begin your next chapter.
Take time to make plans for the new year, be honest with yourself, and get your healthy habits started NOW!
Pssst…Did you know you can access all our tools to ELEVATE your personal and spiritual development from meditations and live masterclasses to yoga practices and a high vibin’ community?! We’ve got everything you need to become the badass you were born to be inside The Elevated Life Club. Let’s make this your BEST year yet!
Have you been overthinking a decision that requires RISK?
Allow your heart and soul to lead the way. Like Joseph Campbell says, “Follow your bliss.” and take that risk!
Get ready for adventure and excitement to ignite your spirit! Despite our responsibilities, let’s find ways to step out of our comfort zones and infuse playfulness into our daily routines. It’s time to shake things up, try new experiences, and explore uncharted territories. Life is a wild ride, and this New Moon encourages us to trust in the journey and let go of the need to control everything.
Trust your own intuition at this time and look for all the blessings in disguise!
You are rewriting your next chapter today. Get clear on what you WANT and don’t waste your energy with worry.
As we immerse ourselves in the energy of the archer, let’s align our intentions, take aim, and trust in the wind. It’s a time of completion, wholeness, and greater wisdom. So, let’s set our intentions, focus on healing, trust our intuition, move at our own pace, and most importantly, embrace the adventure that life has in store for us.
You are allowed to change! Think of this time as your restart, your rebirth, and your reawakening. xo
If you’re ready to put your manifesting skills to the test, then I invite you to learn How to perform a New Moon Manifesting Ritual.
This will help you turn your dreams into reality and ignite your imagination to start manifesting magic.
Comment below and let me know what you’re intending to manifest on this New Moon!
