“Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?”-Mary Manin Morrissey

Happy Full Moon in Cancer | Purge the Past

We’re going through a very sensitive and emotional time of release, rest, and rebirth that calls for self-care at the forefront of this Full Moon in Cancer & Winter/Summer Solstice.

On this final Full Moon of 2018 take time to reflect on all that you have experienced this year.

What are you most proud of accomplishing this year?
What dead weight are you leaving behind in 2018?
How will you embody your authentic self in 2019?
What do you need to fully surrender in faith that it will work out for your highest good?

This Full Moon is like a doorway into a new world with unlimited potential. Once you decided to leave the past behind, you are free to create a new future that aligns with your soul calling and passion.

Let go of what’s no longer uplifting you, release those that don’t support you, and forgive the unexpressed expectations you’ve been placing on others and yourself.

This Full Moon will illuminate the current theme of your life so you can begin to rise above it from a higher, spiritual perspective and move on.

Use the illumination of this Full Moon to light the way towards your new life.

This is your chance to leave the past behind and start a new creative beginning that supports your fullest potential.

Remember that you are never alone because you’re always connected via Divine thread to the spirit within all things.

Trust that 2019 holds the hope of being a positive year to build your future foundation on.

No matter how crazy 2018 was for you, know that it was in preparation for clearing the way so you can learn to SHINE your light because the world needs your sparkle magic!

You can learn how to reclaim your confidence and SHINE from the inside with my online course Shine School where I’ve coached hundreds of women to learn to love themselves!

Now is your time to SHINE bright, sister.

Try this Full Moon Release Ritual (and FREE guided meditation) to help you release and reconnect.

full moon

This week you’re being called to rest, relax, and renew. Take time to fill up your well by retreating from the busy world and spend quiet time soothing your soul. What do you need right now to fill your inner well?

Call in your soul tribe for deeper connection and support. You don’t have to do this alone. You have soul family here to help! Ditch the drama and surround yourself with people who positively support you.

One word: BOUNDARIES. Now is the perfect time to practice setting boundaries for yourself. Reclaim your personal power by consciously choosing where you spend your time and energy. Stop spending time with those who drain you and carve out more free time for you to do NOTHING. Where do you need to establish better boundaries? xo


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