“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.” -Wolfgang Von Goethe
I’m going to share with you a little secret on how I lost 70lbs because this exact thought (“If this bitch can do it”) CHANGED EVERYTHING!
Almost 10 years ago I stepped on the scale at 200lbs. I wasn’t feelin’ it anymore (if ya know what I mean) and I was ready for CHANGE!
Believe it or not, my last “retail job” was at Forever 21. A co-worker of mine had shown me a before photo of her 100lbs heavier!! It was so hard for me to believe she had lost 100lbs, but she was standing in front of my very own eyes. Size 6. Whoa.
I asked her what was her secret and she told me she walked 10 miles a day. In that moment, I thought, “If this bitch can do it…then so can I.”
So – I started walking laps around Forever 21 that very day!!
It’s not the 10 miles a day or 6 minutes of laps around the Forever 21 jewelry department I did that day, but the mindset shift I made in that very moment that has allowed me to dropped over 70lbs.
If something I desire to achieve has been done by someone else, it can sure as shit can be done by me!! Tweet it!
I stand here today before you now with proof that IT’S POSSIBLE!! Any desire you have burning within you IS POSSIBLE.
It takes a DECISION and a burning DESIRE inside that says I’M GOING TO FUCKING DO IT THIS TIME!! For real. Take Action. I’m not saying it’s always going to be easy. But it’s TOTALLY worth it!
Your dreams are yours to create by believing, taking action, and fierce determination to achieve them! Tweet it!
My hope is to inspire you to DECIDE today and COMMIT to making your dreams into a reality! Comment below and let me know what’s ONE thing you want to make PRIORITY for YOU in 2016.
I believe in YOU!
Wow I never would have thought you had been burdened by all that encompasses an unhealthy weight you looked so unhappy in the before picture. I committed in 2012 to changing my lifestyle but have struggled each year falling back to old ways – this is the time I’ve decided to apply all that I’ve learned during each of those falls and pick ups and I am excited to receive the list thank you for giving so much of yourself
RaNae, Thanks for your feedback. You’re totally right! I was unhappy carrying everyone else’s bullshit. I held on to way too much energy that manifested into physical weight. It was the moment I changed my story from “I am fat…to…I AM BEAUTIFUL!” that really began an internal shift. When choosing self-love and care first and becoming my #1 cheerleader became priority it sparked the perfect momentum to keep moving forward for myself. We all know WHAT to do…it’s all about knowing you have the power to TAKE ACTION! Make yourself priority and remember to fill your body + soul with ONLY the best and lots of LOVE! I know you can do it this year. You’ve had the practice and get to it! XOXO Brit
Beautiful, Brit. I feel so blessed to have the chance to learn more about you and serve you, sister! Keep the inspo coming!
Love it and love you. I second the above goal ^^^ need to make a physical change and to find a way to stay motivated and on track.
Thanks for sharing Brit!! What an inspiration you are.
I want to make my physical and spiritual health a priority in 2016.
Thanks for sharing Jules!! Isn’t it funny how those two tie in together? It reminds me of the Emerson quote: Health is the first wealth.
I’d love to hear more about your goals. If I could make a how to product on weight loss and/or spirituality what specifically are you looking to achieve?
Looking forward to being a part of your journey to making shit happen!! xo