“Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.” ― Mark Twain

🌙 Happy New Moon in Libra 🌙

This New Moon in Libra reminds you to find beauty in the breakdown of rebalancing your life.

(It also happens to be around my birthday/anniversary so I’m over the new moon and in my #powerseason!)

With Mercury in Retrograde also in Libra you’ll start to notice what patterns are emerging now around relationships, bad habits, your daily routine, money, time, and energy.

It’s time to stop the people pleasing tendencies and find a new balance in how you give and receive.

This new moon makes way for us to take a deeper look within our hearts to find Truth and to see how we can soothe our soul with the healing balm of self-love.

Try this FREE 15-minute Self-Love Guided Meditation to kickstart your confidence and connect with your soul. 

Breaking old patterns and beliefs isn’t always easy because our subconscious stores the patterns deep within our mind so it takes conscious effort to reframe the old ways of doing things and reclaim your power.

Shifting your perspective to find the beauty in your breakdown will give you hope and courage to break through your comfort zone and accept the abundance making its way into your life.

Self-love isn’t an overnight process. It’s a lifelong dedication and I’m going to show you how inside my signature self-discovery program Shine School! ✨

Pay attention to the rhythm of your life. 

Libra is all about balancing the ups and downs and finding your center of peace and stability through the ever-changing tides of transformation.

If you’re ready for a fresh start, THIS is the time to get clear on your intention and purpose.

How will you spend your energy over the last 90 days of the year? 

What self-love rituals do you need to incorporate into your routine? 

Look for the beautiful things in your life. In yourself. In others. Focus your attention on the good that’s going on right now. 

You’re being called to release relationships that no longer align with your authentic self.

Trust the reinvention process.

This is your life and you get to decide how you want to play! 

Be honest.

Be fair.

Be just.

Be bold.

And be your unique self, unapologetically. xo


If you’re ready to put your manifesting skills to the test, then I invite you to learn How to perform a New Moon Manifesting Ritual.

This will help you to plant the seed of desire in your heart and ignite your imagination to start manifesting some magic.

Comment below and let me know what you’re intending to manifest on this powerful New Moon! 


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