“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”
― Mark Twain


Hi Beautiful!

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to take massive leaps in the direction of your dreams all while keeping a confident calm?

I was recently interviewed by personal performance coach, Ismene Cole for her #begreat column, a place to share your dreams + achievements with the world, and help inspire others to #begreat. 

In this interview, you’ll find out 3 steps to making your dreams happen, how to stay motivated while facing the unknown, plus advice on pursuing your dreams to #begreat.

Read a snippet from the interview below…

What inspired you take the leap?

It seems as though I’ve been taking leaps my whole life. I’m not one for playing it safe. The most recent shift happened over this past year. I was a successful hairstylist of 8 years (longer if you count me working in my mom’s bathroom.)

During that time, I learned not only what it takes for women to look beautiful on the outside, but most importantly to feel beautiful from the inside. My dream had always been to work as a successful stylist. It’s funny you know, I worked my ass off to be at the top of my industry, to have a rewarding job that fulfils my passion, and to inspire women to feel and look their best – yet somehow at the top of that ladder I was still looking for the next one to climb. (I mean, really?!)

It’s like you work thousands of hours building up your dream life and when you accomplish it…you’re still looking for more? Maybe that was just PART of my original dream. I feel like we never get a clear picture of where our journey will take us, but each move we make is weaving itself into the fabric of the future.

That’s where the leap comes in. As much as I loved working in the salon and inspiring women to look + feel beautiful. I felt there was a higher calling that was literally PULLING me in another direction. I started going within (meditating) to listen for the next step to take. It was an inner journey into the depths of my soul that allowed for me to make massive leaps.

Without the guidance from within, we are walking in circles. When your soul says JUMP – you JUMP! My leap has brought me to this moment of being able to share my story of inspiration + self-love + wellness and soulful living.

What actions have you taken to make your dream possible?

A few things have to happen in order for your dreams to become possible. First you have to get clear + decide what it is you’re trying to achieve otherwise you won’t know what direction to start taking action towards. Second, you have to be willing to be the student + learn the things you don’t know in order to make your dream a reality. Most importantly, you MUST believe in yourself. You are the dreamer. You must stay self-motivated with the belief that the dreams you want to achieve are YOURS to create.

  1. Clarity
  2. Learn
  3. Believe

To read the full interview click the button below…

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