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Do you struggle to find ways to quiet your overthinking mind?

You’re not alone! Finding peace of mind can seem daunting in a world where information overload and stress are prevalent. Getting caught up in the noise and distractions is too easy, leaving little room for self-reflection and intuitive guidance. Quietening the overthinking mind is a transformative journey that requires practice and patience.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “4 Ways to Quiet the Overthinking Mind” so you can experience a quieter mind and a deeper connection with your intuition. If you’re overwhelmed by the constant chatter of your mind and are searching for ways to quiet those thoughts, you cannot miss this episode!

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Do you find yourself wishing you could shift your money mindset from debt to dreams?

That’s exactly why we brought on my friend Misty Jayne, who’s a money coach for hairstylists and the host of the Cash Confident Stylist Podcast. She helps those in the beauty industry and beyond strengthen their relationship with money, get out of debt, and take control of their life and their business. Her practical advice and approach is perfect for people who are just not a numbers kind of person.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “Shift Your Money Mindset From Debt to Dreams
With Misty Jayne” so you feel empowered to take control of your finances and open up to financial freedom. If you’re someone who’s been struggling with debt or upleveling their money mindset, today’s episode is absolutely for you!

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Do you ever look to messages from the universe when you are going through a season of change?

During this week’s Woo Woo Wednesday live oracle reading, I pulled three incredible cards that aligned exactly with the Elevated Life philosophy. So I wanted to share this empowering message that way you can learn the tools to be able to make those small changes, and how that creates a ripple effect of change within the rest of your life.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “3 Messages You Need to Hear This Season” so you can feel guided on your journey to living an Elevated Life. If you’re seeking inspiration and empowerment to improve aspects of your life, then you HAVE to listen to this episode!

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Have you been holding yourself back from taking risks and embracing the change that comes?

We are so excited for you to meet Anna Schild, the ultimate embodiment of someone who defined the status quo, left her office job behind, and fearlessly embraced her dream life as a Virtual Assistant and world explorer. She also is who helps us run the podcast and all things behind the scenes of The Elevated Life. Originally from Kentucky, this fierce Leo took a leap of faith and bid farewell to the traditional nine to five, and embarked on a life-changing nine month journey across the globe.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “Taking Risks and Embracing Change with Anna Schild” so you can find the courage and discipline to go after your dreams. If you’ve been contemplating taking a big risk in your life, then this episode is for you!





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