“Love yourself. It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out.”
-Jenn Proske

This is your Love Note to remind you it’s time to LOVE YOURSELF!
Someone recently wrote in about struggling to really love herself and how to release fear and support yourself during life’s transitions.
This totally hit home because I remember the time when I was constantly beating myself up on the inside. Honestly, I made the funny jokes about myself to cover my true feelings.
I was obsessively allowing the inner mean girl in my head to control how I felt about myself. When putting on clothes in front of the mirror, I would hear thoughts like “You’re F-A-T!!!!” on repeat!
Let me tell ya, girlfriend, THAT is not a nice way to live with yourself.
It’s time to be your own BESTIE by starting with noticing the thoughts going on in your mind and how they make you FEEL.
Once I finally noticed that inner mean girl firing up, I decided to make a shift in my mindset.
EVERY TIME I heard that inner mean girl say “You’re fat.” I would make a conscious choice to reframe it to I AM BEAUTIFUL. I AM KIND. I AM FUNNY. I AM LOVING. I LOVE AND ACCEPT MYSELF COMPLETELY.
My self-love affair didn’t magically happen overnight. With constant dedication to BELIEVE in my BEAUTY – inside & out.
I began to start taking action that was in alignment with my truth.
The truth that I am and YOU are absolutely beautiful and worthy of love.
You can start your self-love affair by reframing those inner mean girl thoughts to support your confidence and Self.
Fear disappears when you fall in love with yourself! [Tweet it!]
Start taking the action you already KNOW you need to take in order to be the best version of you!
Trust me, you’ll thank yourself! xo