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Are you ready to infuse your daily life with the transformative power of yoga?

Yoga isn’t just about holding a pose or finding your zen on the mat. It’s a transformative lifestyle with benefits that extend far beyond the physical. And that’s exactly why Brett Larkin, founder of her award-winning YouTube channel, Uplifted™️ Online Yoga Teacher Trainings, is on a mission to redefine what it means to live a yogic life. For Brett, yoga extends well beyond just the practice on the mat but permeates into everyday life. It’s this home truth that led her to coin the term ‘Yoga Life,’ viewing every aspect of daily existence as a yoga studio of sorts.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “How to Integrate Yoga into Your Daily Life with Brett Larkin” to help you embrace a heart-centered approach to living. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or just starting your journey, this episode is packed with wisdom to elevate your practice!

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Do you have strategies you can rely on when navigating life transitions?

In our lives, we’ll encounter countless moments of change: both small and large, planned and unexpected. Whether we’re navigating changes in our relationships, evolving roles in our careers, or going through transformations personally, the process taps into the core of who we are. It’s regular to find ourselves at this crossroads, where it becomes essential to discern what works and what doesn’t. But, the key to embracing changes successfully lies in understanding our strategy and the approach we take to ease inevitable transitions in life.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “Our Secret Strategies to Navigating Life Transitions” so you can power through changes with grace, resilience, and confidence. If you want to successfully shift your daily routines in the coming weeks, then this episode is for you!

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Are you ready to reframe your wealth narrative and shift into a mindset of abundance?

Jenna Black, a powerhouse in the field of brand creation and empowering women, started in the fashion industry where she initially thought she’d be. Jenna’s transition began at age 27 when she realized her career was burning her out and hindering her from following her intuitive path, so she started her own business. Jenna’s experience as a health coach, evolved to her working around wealth and energetics. She spent years learning to fully express her own energy and encourages others, especially women looking to redefine their own norms, to remember their power is within them, and to decide what they desire.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “Reframing the Wealth Narrative with Jenna Black” so you can align your worth with financial abundance. If you’re ready to open yourself up to wealth and prosperity, then this episode is for you!

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Do you find it challenging to balance your business and personal life without neglecting self-care?

Kelly Cahen’s journey began unexpectedly in the beauty industry where her intuitive decisions and passion for hairstyling grew into a thriving career. But as she grew her business, she discovered a pressing need for financial literacy in the world of entrepreneurship, particularly in the hair industry. This realization led her to write “Scissors Make Cents” sharing her knowledge in a practical, accessible way. Kelly’s unique perspective balances the joy of self-care with the seriousness of budgeting.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “Balancing Business, Budgeting, and Self-Care with Kelly Cahen” so you can not only scale your business, but uplevel your quality of life too. If you want to know how to balance intuition in your business with practical skills, then this episode is for you!





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