“You can’t work at a million dollar level and not take care of yourself on that same level.” – Elizabeth Faye
Have you ever wanted to take an insider sneak peek into a 7-figure soul led business? Meet Elizabeth Faye of Hair Love University.
We are bringing in my friend and fellow Hair Love bestie, Elizabeth Faye, to share the scoop on avoiding burnout, how to scale, how to call in a helpful team, and how to ask your partner for support when building your business.
In this episode of The Elevated Life podcast, we’re sharing “A Peek into a 7-Figure Soul Led Business with Elizabeth Faye” so that you know everything you need to create a powerful impact. If you have big goals for your business this year, grab your notebook and click play!
Tune in to hear:
✨ Why the best investment you will ever make is in yourself
✨ What Elizabeth does to protect her energy from reaching burnout
✨ The importance of having a partner who supports you as a business owner
✨ How having a team can be your biggest mirror to show you where you need to heal

A Peek into a 7-Figure Soul Led Business with Elizabeth Faye
Q: Can you talk about the importance of having a team and what they’re able to do for you?
A: My team has been my biggest mirror to show me where I need to heal. Because what happens when you scale a business is it shines a light on every little part of you, your trauma, and your limiting beliefs. If you can have some awareness on this happening, you can able to say, okay, where do I not feel safe?
Q: How do you recover and keep yourself from reaching burnout?
A: I had to be nurtured more because I was nurturing more. And that sounds so simple, but it’s a million dollar piece of advice. You can’t work at a million dollar level and not take care of yourself on that level. So it needs to match or be greater, and I pour into myself just a little bit more than that.
Q: What advice can you give to someone who has never invested in a coach or retreat before?
A: The best investment you will ever make is in yourself. It’s going to be different. Sometimes it’s in your health, sometimes it’s in your business, sometimes it’s in your money, sometimes it’s in your relationship. It’ll ebb and flow as you evolve.

Highlights from this episode:
(00:51) What led Elizabeth down the journey to make a safe and supportive space for hairdressers looking to grow and take care of themselves.
(09:06) The importance of having a team and what they’re able to do for you in business and life.
(12:34) How having a team can be your biggest mirror to show you where you need to heal.
(16:03) What Elizabeth does to protect her energy from reaching burnout.

(23:36) You can’t work at a million-dollar level and not take care of yourself.
(26:36) The importance of having a partner who supports you as a business owner.
(39:12) What finding a good coach, retreat, or mentor can do to uplevel your business, personal, and spiritual life.
(42:30) The best investment you will ever make is in yourself.
(42:54) Where Elizabeth is investing her time, energy, and money to grow this year.
(57:00) The presence of love has the power to heal.

Follow her on Instagram: @heyelizabethfaye
See the upcoming Hair Love University events: hairloveuniversity.com/digital-events

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