“It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.” —George Lorimer

Are you ready to create more abundance in your life?

With so much of our life revolving around money, it’s important to get your money mindset right. This is especially true if you want to have a big impact on the world.

Wealth building boils down to a basic mindset that all successful people subscribe to. Money is magnetic and when you know how to align your energy to abundance, you can become a super attractor of #allthethings. 

In this episode of The Elevated Life®, we’re sharing 3 strategies to uplevel your money mindset so that you can live the abundant life you’ve always imagined.

Tune in to hear:

💎 How your beliefs about money could be linked to the way you were brought up

💎 Why your sense of self-worth is tied to your ability to attract abundance

💎 The power of gratitude and appreciation

💎 How to develop new beliefs about money that will help you create the life of your dreams

Tip 001: Change your story

If you grew up in a household where there was a lot of lack or if you were taught that money was the root of all evil, you’ll need to take a step back and retrain your thinking.

These deep-seated beliefs can become the narrative of your story unless you decide to make a big shift. 

Grab a piece of paper and start writing all of your beliefs about money. (“I have to sell my soul to earn a lot of money,” “People that want a lot of money are greedy and selfish.”) Being aware of these beliefs will help you to see where you can begin to shift your thinking.

Tip 002: Know your worth

Many people struggle with their sense of self worth because they’re used to their employers or other outside influences placing a value on their time and talents. Many of us also spend way too much time and energy doing work we don’t even enjoy!

When you can begin to value yourself more and focus on doing things you love, you’ll have a clearer picture on how much your time is worth.

Spend some time journaling about the things that you’re good at and how you want to be of service to the world.

Tip 003: Practice gratitude

It can be hard to feel appreciation when you feel that you are not at the level you want to be yet, but it’s important to make it a practice to tap into appreciation for even seemingly small things. 

Appreciation is the fuel to create more abundance, so the more you can appreciate the good things in your life the more good things you will attract.

Click here to listen!

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Ready to eliminate the stressful conflict with money?

We believe you are worthy of going after your dreams and living your BEST life, and whether we like it or not, MONEY plays a significant role.

It’s important to check in with your relationship with money first so you can understand your own beliefs and patterns.

From that foundational place, you will be able to make the best decisions and open to abundant possibilities.

We’re so excited to teach you our techniques to upgrade your money mindset to attract abundance in the Busting Money Myths Training inside The Elevated Life Club! 

In this masterclass you’ll learn:

 The 3 Biggest Things Holding you Back from Experiencing Financial Freedom
 4 Common Money Myths that Cause Poverty Consciousness
 Step-by-step Meditation to Train Your Brain for Abundance
 5 Ways to Attract Money and Develop a Prosperity Mindset
 The “Money Magnet” Exercise to Draw Unlimited Opportunity Your way
 Plus the best resources and tools for getting out of debt, accumulating wealth, and investing in your future

If you’re struggling in your relationship with money and want to learn to how to become a super attractor of abundance then you can’t afford to miss this powerful training. 

You can join the membership club to access ALL our training from success to overcoming fear, tapping into intuition, and SO MUCH MORE! Cancel any time, risk-free.

Ready to ELEVATE your life to the next level?

You can access the training by joining The Elevated Life® Club for live monthly masterclasses, group coaching, and accountability from other like-minded souls on a mission to ELEVATE every area of life.


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