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Do you struggle with the right questions to ask your partner to spark intimacy in your relationship?

We are diving into the best self-intimacy cards and pulling them in real-time to showcase what it would look like to have prompts that allow you to have the comfort of discussing deep things with your partner.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “Questions to Spark Intimacy in Your Relationship” so you can create a deeper bond together. If you’ve ever struggled to communicate your feelings and your truth to your partner, or if you’re afraid of tapping into intimacy and going deep, then stick around for this episode!

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Have you ever wanted to take a peek into Chris’s mind?

To celebrate his birthday this week, I interviewed Chris all about his childhood, his experience dealing with his parents divorce, and how all of this shaped him to be the person he is today.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “A Peek Inside the Mind of Chris Carmichael” to find out where he comes from, where he’s going, and what goes on inside the mind of his. If you’ve ever wanted to take a peek into Chris’s Aquarius mind, then this episode is for you!

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Are relationship killers ruining your love life without you knowing?

Some relationship killers show up in uncanny ways and patterns, whether it’s self-sabotage, bad habits, or unhealed trauma. Individually, they might not be a dealbreaker in your relationship, but if compounded over time, you might find yourself in a situation where you can’t repair it anymore.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “10 Relationship Killers” so that you can make sure you are not doing this in your relationship. If you’re looking to strengthen your relationships and build deeper connections with those around you, keep listening!

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Have you ever wanted to start living healthier but didn’t know the do’s and don’ts of plant-based living?

It’s been ten years since we decided to ditch the processed chemicals and all the junk foods that drain your energy. It’s been a beautiful journey that neither of us would have guessed that our decision ten years ago would still be current in our life today. During this time, we’ve watched numerous documentaries, read books, cooked a lot of new recipes, and continued to learn and experiment with what makes our bodies feel and operate at their best.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “The Do’s and Don’ts of Plant-Based Living” so that you can hear the tips and common mistakes we have learned over our ten years of being vegan. If you’ve ever considered transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle, you don’t want to miss this episode!





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