“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” —Brene Brown
Are you ready to cultivate unstoppable courage in your life so that you can go after your wild and crazy dreams?
After watching the Brené Brown documentary, The Call to Courage, we thought we would share our insight on how to cultivate courage in the face of fear and how to handle the criticism and judgment that come when making bold moves.
In this live episode of The Elevated Life®, learn about the transformative power of courage and how to harness it to take bold action toward your dreams.
In this episode, you’ll also learn:
The story of how I proposed to Chris two times before he finally proposed to me (and how saying “no” took courage on his part.)
Why you have to ignore the judgements of others if you want to live a courageous life.
Why I believe my mission in life is to help others live courageously as their authentic selves.
Don’t Wait for an Extraordinary Moment
Courage is not just something that comes up in extraordinary moments, like rushing into a burning building to save a child. It’s what happens in life’s small moments, like calling someone out for a racist comment or standing up for yourself when someone pushes your boundaries.
If you get the opportunity to save someone’s life, that’s great! But keep in mind that the life you save may be your own when you find courage in unexpected places.
Tap Into Your Vulnerability
Courage is having the vulnerability to speak your truth at all points in life, no matter what you’re up against or how scary the consequences are.
Vulnerability and courage are one and the same – you can’t have one without the other! When you tap into your vulnerability you feel the willingness to change and are able to let go of outside criticism.
Ask Yourself: “Who am I and what am I here to contribute?”
Find something, a dream or a goal, that you know you would you still do even if you knew you were going to fail.
As Michelangelo said, “The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.”
Take a look at your life – where have you been aiming too low and what courageous action can you take today?
Tune in and let us know in the comments below which tips you’re going to put into practice.
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Need a Little More Help Overcoming Self-Doubt?
Join us for a badass FREE Masterclass: How to Put an End to Perfectionism and ELEVATE Your Life
Have you ever been torn apart by someone’s words?
Most of us have such a deep fear of criticism.
It’s paralyzing and defeating.
It taps into our desperate need to be liked and accepted.
But no matter what you do in life (or don’t do), there’s going to be someone standing on the sideline ready to burst your bubble.
The problem happens when you accept and internalize their comments.
But if we stay afraid of what others think, we’ll never put ourselves out there. We’ll never go after the dreams we could so easily have. We’ll never tap into what we’re capable of.
We’ll just settle.
And truthfully, it’s not even other people that tear us down the most…
…it’s ourselves. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
This month we are bringing you our tips and strategies to end the cycle of doubt, rebuild your self-esteem, and help set you on a course for a more positive, love-filled life in the Overcoming Criticism Masterclass in The Elevated Life® Club.
You’ll learn:
Our method to silence the haters
What to do if you’re a perfectionist
How to stop doubting yourself so you can start living
Where to direct your mind to end negative thinking
How to tame your inner critic
Plus 3 powerful, guided meditations to integrate all the training
Ready to ELEVATE your life to the next level?
You can access the training by joining The Elevated Life® membership club for live monthly masterclasses, group coaching, yoga/meditation practice, and accountability from other like-minded souls on a mission to ELEVATE every area of life.