“The real yoga we cannot see. —David Swenson

Are you searching for a workout that not only tones your body but also feeds your soul?

When Chris and I met, one of the first things I told him is that I wanted to lose weight. Together we’ve tried every workout imaginable, but the one exercise that we’ve stuck with consistently has been yoga. Now, after 8 years of practice we’re beginning our training to get our first yoga certification and have been reflecting on our transformational journey.

In this episode of The Elevated Life®, we’re sharing our experience with The Transformative Power of Yoga. Whether you’re a devoted yogi or just getting started on your own yoga journey, you’ll love this episode!

Tune in to learn:

💜How we were drawn to yoga after years in CrossFit.

💜The differences we’ve noticed between yoga and other forms of exercise.

💜How yoga helps us connect to the natural cycles of our body and the earth.

💜The many ways that yoga helps us get to know ourselves in a deeper way.

Highlights from this episode:

02:00 – The key difference between yoga and other forms of exercise.

03:46 – Connecting the dots between our yoga practice and our plant-based diet.

04:53 – We dove into yoga after losing flexibility and getting injured with Crossfit.

06:10 – A conversation between Britt and her internal voice.

06:39 – Our first yoga class at 24-Hour Fitness.

08:36 – After experiencing injury and pain from his workout, Chris turned to yoga for healing.

09:26 – We find inspiration in yoga expert David Swenson.

10:58 – The power of connecting to our breath when confronting difficult thoughts.

13:25 – Why most people are not connected to themselves.

15:17 – “When you suck at something, you have the opportunity for the most amount of change.”

16:10 – We have 40,000-90,000 thoughts per day, and of those thoughts, 90% are negative.

17:30 – After becoming more present, Chris notices 2 important things about the people around him.

20:20 – Revelations at the chiropractor’s office.

21:25 – After exploring Ashtanga yoga, we expand into other types of yoga.

23:49 – What Chris learned about Britt based on her moon cycle.

25:43 – How yoga helps us to connect to the cycles of nature and our bodies.

26:41 – We attend the Wanderlust Yoga Festival in Colorado.

27:36 – 2 big distractions that can get in the way of practicing yoga.

28:37 – Why yoga is so much more than postures and poses.

31:12 – “The deep conversation you have with yourself is silent.”

34:35 – Why we’re pursuing a yoga certification at this point in our journey.

38:07 – How our yoga certification will enrich every part of The Elevated Life.

40:14 – Look into your routines and create a practice that will stay with you for life.

42:42 – Check out Carson Calhoun, who we are completing our certification with.

Click here to listen!

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We all know our thoughts determine our reality…

… which is why your mindset is the key to creating the life you’ve always wanted.

It’s the secret to everything.

Only YOU have the power to change your circumstances. And the key to doing that is to change your thoughts.

Have you ever wondered why some people seem so positive and happy and others are angry and worried?

It’s all in what they think.

Science tells us we have somewhere between 40,000-90,000 thoughts per day.

Of those, roughly 90% are negative.

But, you cannot live a happy life with a negative mindset.

That’s why we’re excited to help you free your mind from indecision, discouragement, fear, procrastination, and doubt in the Positive Mental Attitude Masterclass in The Elevated Life® Club.

You’ll learn:

✨ How the Mind REALLY Works

✨ 10 Crucial Habits of Positive People

✨ An easy exercise to feel better in 60 seconds

✨ How to Change a Thought from Negative to Positive

✨ A Simple 4-Step Formula for Dealing with Negativity when it Happens

✨ Plus 3 powerful, guided meditations to integrate all the training

Ready to ELEVATE your life to the next level?

You can access the training by joining The Elevated Life® membership club for live monthly masterclasses, group coaching, yoga/meditation practice, and accountability from other like-minded souls on a mission to ELEVATE every area of life. 



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