“Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.”-Misty Copeland

This is your Love Note to remind you that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! 

When was the last time you felt truly beautiful? Inside and out.

After working behind the chair for over a decade, I’ve learned the ugly truth about how women think and feel about themselves, and trust me when I say it’s not always pretty.

So many women get trapped by the idea that their self-worth is dictated by the number on the scale or their pant size but trust me when I say your beauty and worth can NOT be defined by a number. Self-worth starts with the word “self” because only YOU can determine your worthiness.

Dr. Lisa Firestone believes that self-worth should be less about measuring yourself based on external actions and more about valuing your inherent worth as a person. In other words, self-worth is about who you are, not about what you do.

Self-worth isn’t found by comparing yourself to others, rather self-worth is an attitude and should encompass all the unique qualities that make you – YOU!

Beauty begins within. [Tweet it!]

From the heart. I know I always feel beautiful when I lend a helping hand to someone in need or when I’m lounging around in sweats with no makeup on and my husbands flashes one of those googly-eyed glances at me.

For most of my life, I allowed my “inner mean girl” to constantly compare myself to others who are skinnier, prettier, smarter, or wealthier. Once I realized this kind of attitude doesn’t contribute to positive feelings of self-worth – I stopped. 

Today, I’ve reframed my mindset to focus on the beauty and love within me instead of the things I didn’t like about myself. This practice of noticing when my inner mean girl was flaring up, catching it, and reframing it into something more positive took dedication and practice.

Just like any new habit, it will take time to shift your focus, but it’s totally worth it. I went from living a life of self-loathing because I was allowing those “mean girl” thoughts to determine my worth to living a life of what I would call freedom.

Freedom from the mean girl thoughts and freedom from fear of being unlovable. 

When you give yourself the love you’ve been searching for, you will finally feel true freedom. [Tweet it!]

If you’ve been feeling a little trapped by all the self-imposed limitations of your inner mean girl, I invite you to watch one of my moooost favoriteeee episodes of The Elevated Life series where my hubby Chris and I will teach you how to boost your confidence with simple mindset shifts that you can begin making right now to help you step into the most confident, beautiful version of yourself. Watch now..


You can catch us LIVE every Friday at 11 am CST over on our Facebook fan page where we uncover spiritual truths and share lifestyle hacks to live a happier life.

Now that you’ve watched, I’m curious to know…

In what ways do you FEEL beautiful?

Leave a comment below and let me know what comes up for you.

Remember: Your voice inspires others. Feel free to leave as much detail as possible. Your story matters!

I appreciate the time you share with me on this journey. I love sharing my thoughts and ideas with you and hope you’ll do the same!

Leave your thoughts, ideas, questions and comments below.

P.S. Loved today’s episode? Then share it with your besties, your mama, work pals or anyone you think would find inspiration from this video to help them live a life they love.


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