“Don’t rely on someone else for your happiness and self-worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can’t love and respect yourself – no one else will be able to make that happen. Accept who you are – completely; the good and the bad – and make changes as YOU see fit – not because you think someone else wants you to be different.” – Stacey Charter

This is your Love Note to remind you that it’s time to FOCUS ON YOU!

If your week is anything like mine (aaand all my 1:1 coaching clients) you’ve probably had loads of emotions coming at ya! From within and from without. 

Take a deeeeeep breath in and exhale the bullshit away. (Go on – B R E A T H E!)

Ahhhhh. Feels a little better ya? 

Listen, I’m gonna get real with ya…

It’s time to FOCUS ON YOU! 

You need your love and attention more than ever – especially if all these emotions are coming to the surface! Honor them. Give them space to RELEASE. Ask your emotions “What are you here to show me?” and “How can I release you?” 

The past is over. It’s time to let go of that limiting story you’ve been sharing and create a new one.

This is your chance for a fresh start! Wipe the slate clean. Clear the mental clutter. Renew your spirit.

Get selfish and FOCUS on you. Guilt free. 

You MUST take responsibility for your well-being before you can go pouring all your love and energy into someone else. And deep down you already KNOW this.

What do you really need right now? 

Take a moment reflecting on the areas in your life where you could use a little love and self-care.

Schedule time for it (or it ain’t gonna happen!) 

Nurture yourself. Give yourself a relaxing spa night in with a hot Epsom salt bath. good tunes, and yummy essential oils. It doesn’t take much to honor our spirit. The simple things in life like laughter, nature, intimate connection with someone, hot baths, or reading a good book can fill your cup.

So what is it for you? What lights you up? Decide what you need most right now, make yourself a priority, and COMMIT to making it happen. (Like Nike says, #justdoit!)

I want to remind you that I’m here for you and I’m sending BIG LOVE to you right now.

Be gentle with yourself because we’ve got a full moon-a-comin’! You know I love using the energy of the full moon to help shine the light of awareness on areas in my life that need change and renewal. What do you need to release? (Try this Full Moon Release Ritual to help you LET GO!)

How will you take advantage of this months energy of transformation? xo

I appreciate the time you share with me on this journey. I love sharing my thoughts and ideas with you and hope you’ll do the same! Leave your thoughts, ideas, questions, and comments below.

P.S. Loved today’s Love Note? Then share it with your besties, your mama, work pals or anyone you think would find inspiration from this video to help them live a life they love.

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