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Learn the tools to become the badass that you were born to be!

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Have you been holding yourself back from taking risks and embracing the change that comes?

We are so excited for you to meet Anna Schild, the ultimate embodiment of someone who defined the status quo, left her office job behind, and fearlessly embraced her dream life as a Virtual Assistant and world explorer. She also is who helps us run the podcast and all things behind the scenes of The Elevated Life. Originally from Kentucky, this fierce Leo took a leap of faith and bid farewell to the traditional nine to five, and embarked on a life-changing nine month journey across the globe.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “Taking Risks and Embracing Change with Anna Schild” so you can find the courage and discipline to go after your dreams. If you’ve been contemplating taking a big risk in your life, then this episode is for you!

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When was the last time that you truly let yourself rest?

Rest is almost a dreaded word in our culture, but is actually much needed in the balance of life and being able to recharge. When you’re going after big goals, you have to use a lot of energy, and so in order to continue and sustain that momentum, rest must be a part of the equation.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “6 Types of Rest” so you can actually recharge instead of just vegging out on the couch. If you are trying to find balance in your life this summer, then this episode is for you!

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Have you ever wished you just knew how to turn off negative thoughts?

Negative thoughts can be all consuming, causing unnecessary stress and anxiety in our daily lives. It’s important to learn how to turn off negative thoughts and shift our focus to positive thinking.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “How to Turn Off Negative Thoughts” so you can learn practical strategies to improve your mental wellbeing. If you want to break the cycle of negative thinking, you can’t miss this episode!

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Do you feel like you’ve been missing out on the power of a supportive community?

In a world that often feels increasingly disconnected, the importance of seeking supportive communities cannot be overstated. The idea for our most recent event, The Summer Soulstice, was designed to bring together women seeking personal growth and connection and became a sanctuary of empowerment, healing, and joy. We can all learn something from the transformations inside of these environments to help find solace, guidance, and the strength to navigate life’s challenges.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “The Power of a Supportive Community” and recapping the transformations and experiences from hosting our latest event, the Summer Soulstice. If you’ve ever felt called to join a community event but held back, this episode is for you!





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