“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” – Pablo Picasso
Are you living a life full of passion and purpose?
We all want to be living intentional lives. Wouldn’t you love to wake up every morning excited to #carpediem?
Deep down in every person (yes, you too!) is a calling to be the best version of themselves. If you want inner peace and fulfillment, it’s absolutely essential that you find your passion and life purpose. Without those things, even your grandest achievements will feel empty.
In this episode of The Elevated Life®, we’re sharing 3 Roadblocks to Avoid When Pursuing Your Passion. If you want to discover what excites you and how to show up as the person you want to be, this episode is for you.
In this episode we talk about:
How perfectionism keeps you stagnant
Why you can’t wait for your passion to show up
Brit’s journey of finding what she was passionate about in fitness
Why you have to think about the people you’re serving
Roadblock #1 – Procrastination & Perfectionism
How many times have you abandoned or held off on a project because you were scared that it wouldn’t be absolutely perfect?
As you’re pursuing your passion, you’re constantly going to be improving it. It’s all about getting the first iteration of your idea out there and then tweaking it along the way.
Perfection creates stagnation. You always want to be improving, upgrading, and expanding your ideas and you can only get to that place if you find your starting point and put it out there.
Roadblock #2 – Waiting for Your Passion to Show Up
Too many people struggle with impatience as they’re waiting for their passion to reveal itself or show up at their door.
Your passion is your path. You have to get out there and actively pursue it. The ball is 100% in your court.
If your passion isn’t clear to you yet, get out there and try as many things as you possibly can! As you dabble in different things, some things will stick and some things won’t, but what’s most important is that you’re exploring and discovering.
Roadblock #3 – Focusing on The Profit & Not the Purpose
When you’re only focusing on the profit of your endeavors, you’ll lose your passion for it.
One question you have to constantly be asking yourself is: would I do this even if it didn’t make me money? Think about those activities that make you lose track of time and that make you feel energized and excited.
Another important thing to keep in mind is the people that you serve. When you imagine the impact that you can have on others (rather than just the money you can get from them) it becomes easy to stay on your purposeful path.
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Need a Little More Help Overcoming Self-Doubt?
Join us for a badass FREE Masterclass: How to Put an End to Perfectionism and ELEVATE Your Life
Do you hold yourself to excessively high standards? Are you a people pleaser? Do you have a fear of failure or constantly procrastinate?
These are all traits of a perfectionist.
They keep us living in a constant state of dissatisfaction and suffocate our creativity.
What happens is you start to attach your worth to your level of productivity and the results (and praise) you get.
But no matter how much you succeed, it’ll never truly be good enough.
There will always be that voice inside that says, “I could have done better.”
So not only does perfectionism stop you from achieving happiness, enjoying the fruits of your work, or following all the way through to the finish line…
…it even stops you from ever starting.
This month we are bringing you our tips and strategies to end the self-destructive cycle of doubt, conquer fear, and help you become your own ally so you can feel good and fall back in love with life.
Inside this masterclass you’ll learn:
How to stop beating yourself up
Why “shoulding” on yourself is wasting your life
A systematic way to eliminate that little voice that tells you you’re a fraud
How to overcome the need for approval
The power of unconditional self-love
Plus guided meditations to help you integrate the training into your life
Ready to ELEVATE your life to the next level?
You can access the training by joining The Elevated Life® membership club for live monthly masterclasses, group coaching, yoga/meditation practice, and accountability from other like-minded souls on a mission to ELEVATE every area of life.