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We are finally here to celebrate the journey to 100 episodes!

It’s so incredible to see how much growth has happened, not only in the last year but in the last two years. In 2020, we decided to shift and pivot with the rest of the world and transition from our usual Facebook Live videos to creating this podcast!

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “Celebrating the Journey to 100 Episodes” to share with you what it’s like to pursue your goals and not give up along the way. If you have a big manifestation you’ve wanted to bring to reality, don’t miss this celebratory episode!

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Have you ever wished you had the courage to make a big shift in your life?

Dr. Varun Gandhi is a life orchestrator, soulpreneur, Angel investor, inventor, philanthropist, and a water doctor. He enjoys orchestrating businesses, events, and ideas about the self! He is currently focused on creating a digital course called What’s Your Story, which allows you to create your Life Film, a chart consisting of your memories, experiences, and defining moments that have left an impression.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “Making Courageous Life Shifts with Dr. Varun Gandhi” so that you can step outside your mind and start living your passion and purpose. If you’ve been living someone else’s dream, then this episode will be an inspiring listen!

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Do you desire to adopt a spiritual practice so you can feel more at peace?

Spiritual people are in tune with the inner place of peace within them. But becoming spiritual doesn’t just happen overnight. It takes daily practice to find peace and joy along your journey.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “4 Things Spiritual People Practice” so that you can learn how to stay calm and peaceful. If you’ve been wondering how to embark on an inner journey within yourself, this episode will be super powerful for you!

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Have you been receiving signs from the universe lately that make you feel like you’re having a spiritual awakening?

Our spirit guides and angels send us signs and synchronicities that seem to confirm our own intuitive hunches. Like when you’re thinking of grandma and her favorite song plays on the radio or you see a flower that reminds you of her. Embarking on the spiritual awakening experience of enlightenment can be scary, but luckily we are not alone on this journey!

In this episode of The Elevated Life, I’m sharing “4 Signs You’re Having a Spiritual Awakening” so that you can confirm you’re not “crazy”, just having a spiritual awakening experience. If you’ve been seeing repeating number patterns like 11:11, 222, or 777, this episode is for you!





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