“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” —Antoine de Saint-Expuéry
Are you ready to finally make your goals stick for long-term success?
If you’ve set a goal for yourself in this new year, you’re going to have to reset your mind. Without consistency, it’s easy to fall back into bad habits.
Everyone we’ve talked to this year has an overwhelming feeling that this year is going to be a big year. In last week’s episode, we talked about how New Year’s resolutions suck and why 92% of them fail! Wouldn’t you rather be part of the other 8%?
Today on The Elevated Life®, we’re sharing 4 ways to make your big goals stick so that you can reach your dreams.
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In this episode, we also talked about:
✨ Why self-discipline is the foundation of achieving your goals
✨ What to do when your outside doesn’t match your inside
✨ The disconnect that occurs when you’re not aware of how you view yourself
✨ How to turn pain-points into motivation toward your goal
Tune in and let us know in the comments below which tips you’re going to put into practice.
1. Clarify Your Vision
It’s time to get hyper-focused on your own vision and forget about what your mom, spouse, or friends think you should be doing.
Try this: close your eyes and think about what you will look like, feel like, and act like when you achieve your big goals. Are you currently reflecting the person you want to be?
Then you need to hold that picture in your mind at all times so that your daily actions align with your bigger vision.

2. Find the Motivation
To stick to your goals, you have to connect to your big “why.” Without that motive and intention, you won’t have the energy to propel yourself forward.
Think of motivation like chemistry in a new relationship: if you don’t have that spark right away, you’re setting yourself up for failure.
To find your why, you can start by thinking about the people around you like your kids, your spouse, or your parents. How can you show up for them in the way that they deserve?
3. Create a Structure
Creative people often resist structure, but having a plan is necessary if you want to bring your goals to reality.
Picture the natural world: at first glance, it may seem unplanned, but there is a complex mathematical structure to every beautiful thing that we see and hear.
The reason people fail at achieving their goals, is because they don’t come up with a plan that’s different than the years before. If it’s not scheduled, it’s not going to happen!
4. Celebrate the Small Wins
We can only focus on one thing fully at a time.
When I began my health and weight loss journey, the first decision I made was to give up soda. Instead of overwhelming myself with huge goals of working out every day and drastically changing my lifestyle, I chose one small goal that I could stick to and that gave me the energy to keep going.
By taking time to celebrate these small wins, you’ll keep yourself from getting burned out on the way to the big goals.
Now is the time to step up your game and truly #CHANGEYOURLIFE.
But before you do…
…make sure you don’t rush out in a thousand different directions like everyone else does.
We have to get strategic first.
That’s why we’re thrilled to teach you our strategies for bringing more success into your life in the Motivation, Self-Discipline, and Structure masterclass in The Elevated Life membership club.
You’ll discover:
How to get laser-focused on the things that truly matter
An easy fix for killing the overwhelm that always comes with big dreams
5 ways to master self-discipline
Our trick for making sure it’s not all WORK WORK WORK
Plus 3 guided meditations to integrate all the training
Ready to ELEVATE your life to the next level?
You can access the training by joining The Elevated Life membership club for live monthly masterclasses, group coaching, yoga/meditation practice, and accountability from other like-minded souls on a mission to ELEVATE every area of life.