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Are you going stir crazy during quarantine of COVID-19?

We’re at a halt, friends. This is a collective shift.

In this uncertain time, you have two choices fear and anxiety (you can get tips on how to deal with coronavirus anxiety here) or faith and love. You can make the most of this. If you’ve been asking for a break or vacation, now is your opportunity!

Chaos can force you to re-examine your routines and your old ways of doing things and allow you to create a new way of living. Energy can be transformed, so if you’re tired of how you’ve been feeling, this pause is your chance to make a shift.

In this episode of The Elevated Life®, we’re sharing ways that you can maximize your downtime during the COVID-19 outbreak.

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In this time of high stress, you can still develop the coping skills that will allow you to weather future storms and feel empowered. Living in fight or flight mode prevents you from making rational choices for the good of your family and your community.

Right now, we need radical transformation more than ever. As a lightworker, I’m choosing to look at this as an opportunity for rebirth. If you keep yourself healthy and avoid tuning in to fear, you will get through this from an elevated place.

Today on The Elevated Life, we’re sharing 3 ways you can shift from stress and anxiety into peace and positivity during this uncertain time.

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Have you found yourself feeling low on energy lately?

You’re not alone. January has felt really heavy for so many of us. At the beginning of the month, we were all talking about how 2020 was going to be this amazing thing, but we can’t forget that the final transitions that happen when we make big changes in our lives can feel really draining.

For empaths, this feeling can be especially potent, because we’re picking up on the emotional sadness of all the devastating things that are happening in the world.

Today on The Elevated Life, we’re sharing 3 things you can do if you’re starting to feel drained.

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If you’ve set a goal for yourself in this new year, you’re going to have to reset your mind. Without consistency, it’s easy to fall back into bad habits.

Everyone we’ve talked to this year has an overwhelming feeling that this year is going to be a big year. In last week’s episode, we talked about how New Year’s resolutions suck and 92% of them fail! Wouldn’t you rather be part of the other 8%?

Today on The Elevated Life, we’re going to share how to make your big goals stick so that you can reach your dreams.





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