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It’s time to reclaim your power!

After working behind the chair for over 15 years, I’ve spent most of my life listening to how women think and feel about themselves. We do all this work on the outside, trying to make our hair look just like the Pinterest picture, but we fall flat on taking the same amount of care for how we feel on the inside.

When I had this realization after hundreds of conversations with women in my chair, I buckled down and created my signature program, Shine School, which has helped almost 5,000 women over the last seven years transform their fear into faith and belief in themselves.

So, I’m sharing all of this with you because we are opening the doors to Shine School today. I also had the pleasure of re-connecting with one of our students, Julia, who took the course eight years ago and find out how it has shaped her journey to becoming an actress and an author.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “The Shine School Guide to Reclaiming Your Power” so you can reclaim your power and confidently manifest your soul’s dreams in just six weeks. If you are ready to discover your passions, embrace self-care, and build a supportive community around you, then you’ll love this episode!

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Do you struggle to consistently embody self-care in your everyday life?

After coaching thousands of women over the last decade, I have found one very big problem when it comes to self-care rituals. It’s consistency. It’s not that we don’t know what to do. The problem is that we fall short in showing up for ourselves on a daily basis. We either wait until the setting is perfect to finally show up or until we hit rock bottom. And by the time that happens, it’s already too late.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “How to Embody Self-Care in Your Everyday Life” so you can start checking in on yourself without feeling like you need a rigid routine. If you want to make self-care part of your daily life, you cannot miss this episode!

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Do you truly practice consistent self-care in your life?

I recently was on Jodie Brown’s, The Hairstylist Rising podcast, and we had such a beautiful chat about self-care that I didn’t want our Elevators to miss it. I even cried during our recording! Regardless of if you are in the beauty industry or not, I know there will be plenty of HUGE takeaways for you to go ahead and start to implement in your life.

In this bonus episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “The Need for Consistent Self-Care, Replay From the Hairstylist Rising Podcast” so you can start to prioritize self-care in your life. This episode is a must listen for anyone who has been putting their own needs on the back burner!

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With so many things in the world feeling uncertain right now, having a mindful morning ritual can bring a sense of peace to your day. Starting off your day with a mindful morning ritual that nourishes your body + mind + spirit is essential to how you will respond to the new day you’ve been given.

In this blog, I’m sharing 5 things you can try before the morning arrives, a sneak peek at my mindful morning rituals, and ideas to help you get going if you’re not a “morning person.”





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