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Are you someone who is always saying sorry for things you don’t need to apologize for?

Research shows that the more you keep on saying sorry, the more you unconsciously express a people-pleasing type of energy. When you are constantly apologizing to other people, it can mean that you lack self-confidence.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “3 Things You Don’t Need to Apologize For” so you can learn how to reclaim your confidence and stop apologizing for taking care of yourself first. If you want to stop your people-pleasing tendencies and start setting healthy boundaries, go ahead and press play for this episode!

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Have you ever wondered how to conquer social anxiety when you’re around strangers?

A lot of us are worried about what other people think about our actions, and the sad part is that it creates a narrative inside our minds and anxiety in our bodies. In return, that anxiety ends up killing our confidence.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “How to Conquer Social Anxiety” so you can learn different techniques to communicate confidently around strangers and make meaningful connections. If you have anxious thoughts creeping into your head in a social setting, this episode is a must-listen!

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Do you ever feel helpless because you think everything you do is not working?

Getting stuck is one of the worst feelings you can have in this world! It can seem like you’re doing everything to make things work, but it’s all wrong. It can seem like you will never be able to figure out the best next step.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “4 Things Keeping You Stuck” so you can identify the things that keep you from moving forward and what you can do to remove all the barriers that hinder you from achieving your life’s desire. If you’ve been feeling stuck in your own ways and are looking for a way out, then you need to listen to this episode!

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When was the last time you got out of your daily routine and did something different?

We’re back, in full podcast mode, and excited to bring you some new wisdom after our 5,000 miles long road trip up to Montana and Yellowstone Glacier. After getting ourselves out of our comfort zone and the hustle of city life, we’re back with even more renewed wisdom for you.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “What We Learned Getting Out of Our Routine & Traveling 5,000 Miles” so you can change the way you think and challenge yourself in an exciting way. If you want to get out of your environment and bring new change, listen to this episode!





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