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Do you want to end the last 90 days of the year with intention?

As we find ourselves in the final stretch of the year, it’s natural to reflect on how quickly time has flown by. Many people approach this time with a hustle and grind mentality, pushing themselves to achieve more before the year comes to a close. But we choose to operate in a different way – one that encourages tuning into the rhythms and cycles of nature. It’s time to let go of the cultural pressures and embrace a transformative approach to self-care and personal growth.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “4 Tips to End the Last 90 Days of the Year with Intention” so you can make the most out of the last 90 days of the year without having to hustle. If you feel overwhelmed by the push to grind, and want a more balanced approach to goal setting and productivity, this episode is for you!

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🦄 Meet Brittney Carmichael. The mother of all unicorns! Brittney, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today? Empowering women wasn’t always my mission in life. 15 years ago when I started my luxury vegan hair salon OMGhairstyles in Frisco, Texas my mission was to make women LOOK beautiful. […]

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How often are you truly showing up as your authentic self in your marketing?

In today’s digital world, social media is the ultimate playground for both businesses and individuals to connect with their audience and build a tribe of loyal followers. But let’s face it, with the endless stream of content out there, it can be a real challenge to break through the noise and make a lasting impression. This is where the power of authenticity comes into play, and our friend Jodie Brown has been an expert in making this happen for herself and her clients for years! Jodie’s focus is to help you use your social media and online presence to connect with your dream clients.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “The Power of Authenticity in Marketing with Jodie Brown” so you can build a career and life you are obsessed with. If you’re leveraging the power of social media to build your brand or business, this episode is a MUST listen!

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Did you know that you can use the power of your breath to reach your full potential?

Breathwork is more than just taking in oxygen; it is a powerful tool that can deepen our focus, improve productivity, and help us navigate the challenges of everyday life. That’s why we brought on Ava Johanna, a renowned breathwork practitioner, to explore the incredible benefits of breathwork in our daily lives. Our breath holds the key to accessing a deeper level of focus, awareness, and personal transformation, which helps us tap into our full potential.

In this episode of The Elevated Life, we’re sharing “Tapping into Breathwork to Reach Your Full Potential with Ava Johanna” so you can bring focus, clarity, and intention into every aspect of your life. If you’re ready to embrace the power of your breath, then don’t miss this episode!





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